Vinny Steo
Vinny Steo


Why Smart Lighting is Totally Worth It

Smart lighting is an integral feature of any home automation. Smart lights use wireless transmissions to send and receive their signals, and different bulbs use different methods. Some use Bluetooth radios that connect directly to your phone or hub, as long as you’re within 50 feet of them. Others use Wi-Fi radios to connect directly […]

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Food Tip of the Week: Passion Fruit

   Native to Brazil, Passion Fruit is the edible fruit of the passion flower. This tropical fruit grows on the passionflower plant and comes from the genus passiflora, which is actually the Hebrew word for the fruit. The two main commercial varieties available are Hawaiian yellow and New Zealand purple. They are oval in shape […]

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Food Tip of The Week: Asparagus

Asparagus is spring’s most luxurious vegetable. It was once cultivated for medicinal purposes as a natural remedy for blood cleansing and diuretic purposes.  A member of the Lily family, there are over 150 varieties of asparagus. White asparagus, cultivated in the dark, lacks chlorophyll allowing for the product to be white.  While Europeans prize white […]

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Food Tip of The Week: Grapefruit

The United States is the major producer of grapefruit in the world and is also the biggest grapefruit consumer. Florida grows about 80 percent of the U.S. crop, and half of the world’s production in essentially two areas of the State, Central Florida and the Indian River. Texas, California, and Arizona as well as Florida, […]

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