Vinny Steo
Vinny Steo


Your July House News (HOMEWARD Bound Impactful Real Estate News)

Happy Independence Day!!! Do you love freedom as much as I do? We assume the rights of freedom and debate its boundaries in politics, yet how often do we reflect on what freedom means to us personally? Freedom is not a concept carved from stone; it is malleable and personal, always shifting depending on where […]

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Your June House News (HOMEWARD Bound Impactful Real Estate News)

Happy Father’s Day! This month we will be celebrating Father’s Day by honoring all of those dads who made a positive impact in the lives of their children and their families. Across the country, there will be celebratory dinners, special greeting cards, and gifts. In honor of Father’s Day, I wanted to take the opportunity […]

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Your March House News (HOMEWARD Bound Impactful Real Estate News)

In March, for anyone considering making a move that you refer to me, we will guarantee them in writing their home will sell or we’ll buy it at a price acceptable to them. Spring is Springing! Yay! I just came inside from shooting a video outside and WOW! It’s nice out! Yes, I realize that […]

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Your February House News (HOMEWARD Bound Impactful Real Estate News)

In February, for anyone considering making a move that you refer to me, we will guarantee them in writing their home will sell or we’ll buy it at a price acceptable to them. Not that I am Dr. Love or anything like that…but then again, most people like to believe they are. After all – […]

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Your January House News (HOMEWARD Bound Impactful Real Estate News)

For anyone you know wanting to sell their house, I will guarantee the sale of their home for 100% of market value or I’ll pay the difference.* As a fellow lover of holidays, I wanted to share with you some exciting news for the New Year. It seems most people establish New Year’s resolutions, but […]

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Your December House News (HOMEWARD Bound Impactful Real Estate News)

Is the Christmas season the most wonderful time of the year? You know the song, the one that says it’s the most wonderful time of the year. Well, there is something to it. The current year coming to a close, the celebration of Christmas and other faith-driven holiday celebrations, all mean different things to different […]

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Spring 2024 Inhouse Newsletter

Welcome Spring! I couldn’t think of anything better to bring you in this season’s Inhouse than one of my favorite core values of our great real estate company. Embrace continuous improvement. Imagine what our world would look like if growth never occurred. That would be quite a sight in the simplest form of the word. […]

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Direction, Not Intention, Determines Destination

Your Routine = Your Results Not too long ago, I heard one of my favorite leaders say these words: “Direction, not intention, determines your destination”. That stuck with me. I don’t know about you, but it seems I battle daily with keeping my mind and feet on a path toward productivity vs just activity. You […]

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