Vinny Steo
Vinny Steo

Food Tip of the Week: Brussels Sprouts

Food Tip of the Week: Brussels Sprouts

This one may not be at the top of everyone’s list, but once you get over your hang-ups from those childhood memories of being forced to eat your veggies, Brussels Sprouts come out on top with flavor & nutrition.

Brussels Sprouts are a member of the cabbage family and are cultivated like cabbage. The plant was first developed in Belgium (Brussels being the capital) and may it’s way to France, England, and then to Louisiana along with the French settlers.

Brussels Sprouts are available year-round but are most plentiful from late August through March. They are grown along the California coast in Monterey and Santa Cruz counties where the weather is usually cool and foggy. 90% of all commercial production for the entire United States is from this area.

Nutritionally, this vegetable is a powerhouse! They contain enough vitamin C to cover 142% of your recommended daily allowance. They are also low in calories, total fat, and are a good source of dietary fiber.

So, get over the hang-ups and try Brussels Sprouts again for the very first time.

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